How To Emerge As A Winner In Sports Betting?

With the changing time, besides sports, betting on sports is also gaining popularity. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, some or other cricket betting tips can help you understand this betting game well.

One of the foremost expert tips that you might have already heard a several times is money. Often, bettors invest without considering the money factor. Do not go beyond your limits. Place your stakes in accordance with your affordability. Always bet with a mindset that whatever you are putting on stake is already lost. Keep aside a portion of money for your betting from your everyday expenditure so that you do not have to suffer in your own hands.

Bettors often tend to invest more in order to recover from losses. However, this is not the right approach. With constant losses, you will attract more debts which will take you to a situation termed as bankruptcy. Money management is essential when it comes to betting. You have to pay heavy prices for the losses incurred.

Another important tip would be to explore the best numbers. Based on the number of punters, every sports comprises of some fascinating numbers. For an example, FIFA numbers may vary largely as compared to local football matches. Though these numbers are in a flux. Betting is a number game. ‘One number here and there, and you would lose the entire game. If you intend to make the most out of your efforts, then discover a line that would take to the top of this game.’ suggests experts offering best cricket betting tips You cannot overlook the fact that sportsbook generates intense lines which have the power to change  fate of the game.

Do not be carried away by decisions and opinions of others. Be firm in your beliefs. Even if the world tells you to go right, you should have the courage to go left. It’s safer to maintain your distance from distractions. Take a decision that you won’t regret in the future.

Play with odds, carefully: Your chances of winning multiply if the odds are of great value. But going in opposite to the odds is not always favourable. You may place losing stakes.

Little things such as a cricket match scheduled in one of the playing teams’ home country can impact the performance of the team in a positive way. Experts say that you can witness the team playing in its full spirits in its home country.

Last but not the least free cricket betting tips:

The time when you place your bets is crucial. Apart from the timing, the place of betting is also important.

Hope you found this information useful. For any query or suggestion, feel free to connect with our experts or visit

Art of Investing In Cricket Betting Odds And Lines

Betting on cricket is not a child’s play. There are a hundred of things that you have to keep in mind before placing your bets. You definitely want to derive fun along with polishing your knowledge and skills. One of the foremost tasks to do in cricket betting is finding out various types of betting odds and lines. Here in this article, we have compiled a list of different odds that also serve as effective IPL 2019 betting tips.

Understanding The Various Cricket Betting Odds And Lines

  • Three-Way Betting:

If you’re looking for an assured payout, then three way-betting is the right choice to make. Sometimes things do not go as you have planned in life as well as cricket betting. Three-way bets enable you to win from a match that failed to meet your expectations. Here’s what three-way bets imply. Suppose, you have put stakes on Australia in a test match it is going to play against India but you are slightly dizzy about your choice. In such a situation, it is best to place bets on a three-way bet. ‘This type of odds gives you three options, lose, wine or draw the match. It is a safer betting odd as it is comparatively less risky. ‘ says experts offering the best cricket session betting tips. Therefore, three-way betting acts as a protective cover for your deposits.

  • Double Chance Bets:

You often fail once but not every time. Double Chance Bets are designed to widen the possibility of your win. Yes you read it right! They offer you a second chance to win. To simply put, in double chance bets, a bettor puts his stakes on a win as well as a draw for a specific team. This is a smart way of obtaining potential returns for every investment made except for the losses. If you are not confident to place bets on an underdog wholly, then double chance bet is an insurance cover for risky betting propositions.

Here’s an example to help you understand double chance bets better:

Assume that there is a test match between Pakistan and India. You have a strong intuition that Pakistan is likely to win and it has fair odds associated with it. But you are desirous to win irrespective of whether teams fail to take all wickets or the match is called for a draw, then this bet is the boat you should take to sail.

  • Top Batsman betting:

Generally, top batsman betting is classified into two categories: for a particular team and for a specific match. When you put a stake on a specific team, it is entirely based on your knowledge about a single player in a particular team. To make it simpler to understand, the lower the risk, the lower are the odds in top batsman betting. Suppose if you possess the expert knowledge about different players in teams facing each other, you can try out your luck on the top batsman in a match instead of a specific team. Though it doubles the possible choices and offers a high risk.

For an instance, Steve Smith is labeled as the top Australian batsman in an Ashes test with a record of 121 runs in two innings whereas Alastair Cook beats Smith by four runs in the two innings. But there is a probability that you will place a winning bet on Smith as Top Australian batsman, no matter if you lost on top overall batsman.

A few more cricket betting session tips:

  • Analyze the risk-return pattern associated with a particular bet.
  • Maintain your deposits to adequate levels.

Wish you a great luck. Have patience! Your next bet might become your winning bet. Hope, you found this article informative. For learning more about IPL 2019 betting tips, feel free to connect with you!

How To Emerge As a Champion in Cricket Betting?


Have you tried your hands at sports betting yet? Sports betting is thrilling, interesting and challenging as well! Do you know that getting the cricket bets right you need some skills? With mastering a set of skills, you can make huge profits out of cricket betting. Don’t be surprised! Though it is tricky, you can still win on every cricket bet. In this article, we’ve explained it ‘how and when’.

Let’s keep it straight. Here we go:

Emerge as a Champion in cricket betting:

Develop a good foresight:

Many people find the game of cricket complicated. But what they don’t understand is that this game demands emphasis on some crucial aspects and areas. From the point of view of a bettor, you can divide this game into two parts, bowling and batting. Suppose, you’re a beginner then it is advisory to stick to that part of the game which interests you the most. When it comes to understanding the game tactics, strategies and big bash betting tips, it is suitable to pick one from bowling or batting.

Another important term in cricket betting is ‘averages.’ Often you might have heard people talking about ‘averages.’ To simply put, averages are measurements about the performance of a batsman or a bowler in every game he has so far become a part of. For an instance, say that a particular batsman has scored 50 runs in a match, then we can come to a conclusion that the average is equivalent to the total score in all the matches divided by total number of matches played by him.

Though the average is good enough for tracking a player’s performance, but you can’t forget that it is not only the statistics that you’ve taken into consideration. Let’s take another small example. Strike rate implies the number of runs a certain batman can hit in a short period of time. It has a direct correlation with a run-fetching rate. The better the strike rate, the more is the rate at which run is fetched. But here the question arises, why is it important to collect statistics about strike rate? In cricket tournaments like one-day or Twenty20 (T20), a batsman is considered best when he hits the highest number of runs. Consider being a part of a team comprising of skillful set of batsmen known for their high strike rates, the chances of your win instantly increases. According to experts, this can influence the cricket betting tips free to a large extent.

Interestingly, averages extend to bowlers too. It is assumed that the best bowlers have lower averages comparatively. To explain it better, let’s take an assumption. Suppose if a bowler has an average of 30 for a specific season, then it implies that he has admitted a mean equivalent to 30 runs for every wicket he has taken.

According to best cricket betting tips free, you should do a detailed study about each bowler, the number of wickets he has taken so far. You’ll know the bowlers who are worth your bets. Go with averages as and when circumstances demand.

How do you define a good bet?

A bet is defined as good when it is placed considering the perception of the game as well as the bettor. Ensure that you bet in accordance with your capability. Betting is a science more than art. Place your bets with a calm and calculative mind.

For a beginner, cricket betting can be challenging. We recommend you to go with small bets and small amounts. Understand the game well, dig out information, and be vigilant enough to see how the world around you is moving. To sum it up, adhere to affordable deposits. Do not bet until you’re not sure of.

Hope you found this article informative. To learn big bash betting tips for free, feel free to connect with us.

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How To Bat Against Spin Bowling in Cricket?

The game of cricket can be tricky. For winning the game, it is important that you understand the moves and tactics of the sports. Sometimes it takes a spin bowler or the finest cricket betting tips free to change the fate of the whole game. In this article, we’ve unfolded some essential cricket batting tips that will help you to play well against spin. Keep reading to learn them all.

Let’s start with the key principles of spin bowling. Did you know that there are five principles that govern the spin bowling? Never mind if you don’t. Let’s learn more about our favorite game today:

  Cricket Batting Tips: Five Principles Of Spin Bowling:

  • Keep a close glance at hand gestures. But don’t forget main object of the game. Of course, the ball.
  • Play smart. Create a strong base from you can play. Smartly make advantages of forward press.
  • Adhere to a higher backlight and a slower downswing. While applying these techniques ensure that you keep your head straight.
  • As far as possible, avoid playing half-way. Either go for forward play or backward. A good spin bowler is one who knows the art of using his lower body portion in a positive way.
  • Don’t experiment much with the ball. Keep it on the playing field.

How can you work towards achieving these five principles?

  • Mindset: In one of the popular books of Robin Sharma, it is quoted that when you prepare, train and nourish your mind, you eventually prepare, train and nurture your body. Simply because you’ve witnessed a couple of quick bowlers, don’t take a backseat. Set a definite goal in every phase of the game and change your mindset to accomplish it.
  • Try out a unique style: You cannot jump on to a different bowling style unless you’ve fully absorbed the pace and flight of the pitch. Whether it is defense or attack, chant a mantra to stay motivated and positive. As important as it is to manipulate your bowling technique to match up the game timing, it is equally important to develop a positive mindset. Any game is played with two forces, mental as well as physical. Remember that!

Now, you have the privilege to get your hands on the best ipl betting tips for IPL-2019 from our experts.

  • Forward press: Here’re a few tactics that will enable you to employ forward press efficiently: Before, hitting the ball, take a tiny step towards it. Be in control of your body shape and stability. Stand on the front foot when the ball is about to roll on the ground in order to strike it either forward or backward taking into account the situational flight and length.
  • Get into the ‘spin’: Set your gaze at the ball. Here, fortunately you’ve a few ways to analyze and understand the gesture of the ball:

Start from the hand to above the ground and come back to the pitch. It is quite obvious that one cannot understand every variation of the ball. Suppose if you’re bestowed upon an opportunity to be at a non-strike position, try to make the most of it. Get a full gist of the game, keep a watch on every smart move of the bowler.

  • Come up with an action plan: Walk into the field with a zeal in your heart and a strategy in your mind. Create a plan of action considering the circumstances and bowlers of the game. Start off in good faith and get your ball rolling in the air.
  • Manage the field well: Any game plan is incomplete without integrating the strike rotation. It serves two benefits of fetching scores and restricting the bowler to release the bowl to a definite plan.
  • Don’t wait. Learn to initiate: Once you’ve a plan in hand, manipulate the field and lay the tension back on the shoulders of the bowler.

Are you looking for free ipl betting tips? Check us out!

Some additional tips:

Play smart. Showcase a strategy you’re unlikely to apply through movement of your feet. Stick to sweep shot, strike rotation. If you’re ganged up by multiple men, then move your feet and the sweep to pressurize them and evoke favorable changes in the field.

Lastly, I would conclude with the words of great Swami Vivekanand, ‘Stop not until the goal is achieved.’

For any batting or bowling or cricket betting tips free, get in touch with our experts.

Effective Cricket Betting Tips From Cricket Experts

Betting is not confined to a single way or technique. There are numerous ways in which bettors put their stakes. Every way is unique and guarantees success to all the players out there. One of the most vital cricket betting tips is understanding the fact that all the crucial bets are a piece of information. A bettor is assumed to possess all important information The more equipped you’re, the more chances you hold of winning. Doesn’t it sound fair enough?

Let’s talk more about the cricket betting tips free. Aren’t you intrigued to know about them too? Well, here are some of them:

Bet on the sport you’re passionate about. If you’re not passionate about something then you won’t be able to give your heart and soul to it. You should place your bets on that sports that you’re thorough with. For an instance if you are familiar with the X-factors and shortcomings of your local soccer team, then you will have an advantage in comparison to other gamblers who’re staking their bets on the same game. Remember to dig as much as information as you can about a particular sport before investing in the same.

You’ll not be surprised to know when I tell you that big players in the market are well equipped in comparison to average bettors. By well equipped I simply mean that they’re thorough with their research and analysis. Are you planning to purchase a specific race post in the near future? Don’t do what everyone does rather go opposite to the flow. Extract information  and minute details about the various aspects of horse betting. The more information you’ve at your disposal, the better it is.

Start up by engaging into smaller perspective of a particular sports. Achieve mastery over the area, understand the functionality of the area and other factors that either have a direct or an indirect impact on it. Are you a die-heart fan of cricket? You  may begin by emphasizing on 20/20 cricket. Observe and take a note of multiple players who’re advancing towards the field. According to cricket experts, many people who’re making huge money out of betting initially shifted their focus on particular aspect of the entire game and once they learnt each and everything about it, they applied the theoretical knowledge practically.

One of the cricket betting tips that nobody will tell you about is odds comparison websites. To your surprise, such tools do exist. With the advancement of technology, everything impossible thing is now possible. You can compare the odds that have been offered by the established bookmaker websites and pick up the one which best suits your requirements. There’re websites out there which enable you to track the history of the odds of a number of online betting websites.

To learn more cricket betting tips free, feel free to connect with our experts or visit cbtfgroup.

Lastly, remember no matter how small or confined the source of information or the information itself is, it still holds an immense significance. Explore as much as you can as you don’t know which information you may require at any point of time.

Profitable Betting Markets For Cricket World Cup-2019


Are you all set for the Cricket World Cup-2019? Have you scattered the pieces of the forthcoming game and put them in a chronological sequence? Are you finished up with the required research and analysis before hitting the ground? Have you identified the world champions with the most powerful World Cup squads? Do you know which team has been having a hard time lately? If not, then immediately gear up before you seek expert tips from the market players. Once you’re done with the needful, it’s time that you opt for the betting markets that will open up new opportunities for you. If you’re puzzled to where to go for the best world cup betting tips, then we’re here to help you out.

Are you keen to know more? Well, here’re the best betting markets for the next World Cup:

Top World Cup betting markets that offer the best world cup betting tips:

  • 3-way bets: Whether you’re a beginner or a pro bettor, at some point of time or other you’ve to place your bets on this market. Is this a new term for you? Well, let us explain you what is exactly means! To simply put, 3-way bets is a betting markets which offers three alternatives to a punter. You can let your home country to win and opponent team to lose or the opponent team to stand victorious and home team to lose the game or both ways where the teams end up with a draw in a scoreless or score draw. If an absolute favourite team of yours is playing against a clear underdog, then you can place your stakes on this betting market. For an instance the world champion, Germany is playing against Saudi Arabia. Then 3-way bet is the appropriate market to put your stakes on as it is quite obvious that the favourite team is likely to win whereas the underdog shall emerge out as a loser.
  • Double chance: You might be familiar with this betting market. This market allows a punter to opt for two alternatives. Further, these options serve as his bet in the game. Suppose you’re putting on bets on the home team so that it wins or calls for a draw. On the other hand when you choose to bet on the opposite team that simply implies that it will be either win or the match will end on a draw. Due to the fact that double chance has less favorable betting odds, a bettor hold more chances of emerging as a winner in this market as compared to the 3-way bets. From the point of view of an accumulator, double chance delivers more profits.
  • Both Teams To Score : It is an ideal pick when two highly competitive teams are battling against each other on the battlefield. This market works on an interesting concept. As far as the two evenly teams keep scoring in the match, you keep winning. Yes you read it right!  No matter which team wins, or even there is a draw between the two teams, you win! Does not it sound a lot of fun? Both Teams to score is a safe betting market!
  •  First player to score: As the name suggests, in this betting market you win by laying down your predictions on the first player of the match. If you go right, you win! Before you get your hands at this market, ensure that you do a little research about the rules and players of the game.
  • Total corner count: Total corner count is an apt market for people who’ve exceptional skills to predict the final result of a soccer match. All a bettor has to do is predict the overall count of corners the teams on the ground will make in the time frame of 90 minutes.

I hope that you found this article useful. Do let us know in the comment section below on which one out of these are you placing your big world cup bets this year!

Feel free to connect to cbtfgroup for any expert  tips or world cup betting tips.

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Learn How To Manage Your Bankroll in Cricket Betting

Cricket betting is all about framing and adhering to an appropriate cricket betting strategy than anything else. With the right set of strategy and tricks, cricket betting is a thrilling and earning affair. It is a roller coaster ride which starts with opening up a bookie account. Are you too looking how to formulate a cricket strategy for your first bets? Well, we’re here to guide you.

Follow these best cricket betting tips to rise and shine in this betting game:

  • Open Accounts With A Few Bookies: Now, it’s time to learn some of the best cricket session betting tips. One of the important things that you should keep in mind before placing your first bets is choosing an appropriate bookie. After all he’s the one who’ll give you the fair value of your investment. Over the last decade, a million new players have joined the gambling industry. With the growing number of players, the number of bookmakers in the industry has also multiplied. Every bookmaker has some or other unique features and qualities that differentiate it from others in the market. In reality, a particular bookmaker offers best prices for one particular type of game. Before settling for any online betting website, it is advisable that you analyze its past performance. Once you’re satisfied about its authenticity, you should go for it!
  • Learn The Bankroll Management : This trick works for every type of sports betting. Consider your wager as money that you can manage to lose. It is always better to place your bets when you’re certain. You can start by placing small stakes on popular games and put your biggest wager on well-handicapped games. This is a smart trick as with a huge bet which has a high rate of probability, you can easily cover up many losses of the small bets. Gambling isn’t all about placing wages that go successful, but it is more about management of your finances. It’s okay to lose a bet or two! But you should know that how to recover from your losses. It is not necessary to know when to begin, but it is more important to know when you need to stop. The limit of bankroll varies from one person to another. If you’re someone who’s embarking his betting journey, it is recommended that you should fix a lower bankroll amount, say 40 units per week. One of the simplest cricket session betting tips is to play for the sports madness and passion, not just to make money. Manage your money well and everything else is sorted.
  • Go For The Betting Line Which Has The Potential For Best Returns: You’ve to decide for yourself which type of wagers you want to choose from the variety online sportsbooks have in the store. On the basis of the character of the game and the frequency of matches played, cricket bets are mainly placed as singles. Here’s a secret tip for you. Learn to be flexible in your bets. Even after a full-fledged research, you may not sometimes come out with more than one wager options. But, that’s absolutely okay!  When we talk about cricket, the most common bets are placed on best bowler, best batsman, man of the match or man of the tournament. The betting line that you’ll choose for yourself shall determine the type of wager you intend to opt for.

What are you waiting for now? It’s time to adopt these best cricket betting tips and build up a strong cricket betting strategy. Wish you great luck!

Checkout today’s match prediction online at CBTFGROUP or call us at +91 6377036291 !

Best World Cup Betting Tips to Follow

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Betting is a risky game if you are entering in the game of betting make sure that you should know about the cbtf. It is extremely to have prior knowledge about cricket. Cricket is the game which has a huge fan following as it is also one of the most intriguing game when it comes to betting. If you want to win the game we provide you with the best world cup betting tips which will help you to win the game. It is necessary for you to know your game inside out. You have to analyze every small detail than place the bet on the team which has better chances of winning the game.

Cricket world cup is the international championship. This event is held at every four years. Cricket betting is the best option for people who want to earn a lot of money within a short period of time. Here are some world cup betting tips which can help you to win the bet :

  • If you are new to betting than make sure that you start with the minimum amount. Betting rates can be changed anytime in the cricket. Betting rates can be changed anytime, so it is extremely important to play safe. If you are a beginner then you should know the rules about betting. So bet on the amount which you can afford to lose.
  • Take your decision very carefully because it is important to know that your favourite doesn’t always win. Analyze every small detail of the match before placing a bet. Always do practical and extensive research. Analyze the previous performance and current situation of the game. Cbtf will make you understand the game carefully.
  • It is always good to take the risk. If you want to earn huge amount of money than learn to take the risk. Start to target from small goals and try to achieve them. You can earn the desired amount if you are not willing to take the risk. Be a sportsman and win the game of betting.
  • Always remember that security is very important, so make sure that your bookmaker is reliable and trustworthy. Your bookmaker should have a good reputation for keeping the information confidential. The sector is competitive and you cannot just stick to one bookmaker. It is necessary to do the market research before placing a bet because the company will try to lure you to bet only with them but it’s your duty to take the decision which is right for you.

These are the world cup betting tips which are important to remember before placing a bet. These tips will help you to win the game of betting. So don’t wait and try your luck.

For more updates visit cbtfgroup

Different Types of Bets in Cricket

In India cricket is one of the most famous sports. It fosters team spirit and it is the great source of entertainment. When we talk about earning money, cricket betting is extremely popular and easiest method to make money. Cricket world cup is an international championship of one day international cricket and the tournament is held at every four years. Before placing your bet, you need some world cup betting tips which will help you to win. You should be aware about the pros and cons of betting. We will provide you with free cricket betting tips. You should know certain rules before placing a bet. Make sure you start with the minimum amount and than increase your bet. Betting rates can change anytime in the game so it is extremely important for you to play safe.

Always focus on the small  details, betting is all about understanding the game. It is the game of luck, you have analyze the game and than predict the outcome. Always bet on the amount which you can afford to lose. You should have deep insight about the game and make sure you have enough knowledge about the market. You should know about the cricket betting market. Here are some of the different types of bets in cricket:

  • This is one of the most common type of bet. You will find it on nearly every cricket betting site. When placing a bet on match winners for limited-overs format, you have to simply predict which team will win the match. On test matches you also get the third option to bet on that is draw.
  • This is the most interesting bet, as you have to predict which batsman will score the most number of runs and which bowler will finish with the best bowling figures at the end of the match or innings. If the top batsman or bowler does not play in that match than the bet will become void. Get the free cricket betting tips and play safe.
  • At the start of every match, a coin is flipped to decide which team will bat or bowl first and you need to simply predict the winner if the toss. Winning this kind of bet requires sheer luck and no skills are required here to win the bet. Bookmakers usually offers same odds for both the teams in the market.
  • Man of the match is the most amazing bet as the player who gives the best performance on the field is awarded with the man of the match award at the end. All you need is to predict that player. It can be a bit tricky but it requires great knowledge about all the players in the lineups of both teams. Usually the man of the match is awarded to the player of winning team.

These are the types of bets in cricket. You can select the bet which is best suited for you. Sometimes betting might seem complex and confusing, but there are certain world cup betting tips that is important for you to remember and understand the cricket betting markets. You have to take certain decisions in the cricket betting that will lead you to success.

Get the best cricket betting tips online at

Understand The Game Well: Know The Major ICC Tournaments

Cricket craze in a country like India never goes out of fashion. There is some or other cricket tournament at a point of time. Cricket is not only a source of entertainment but  also a great source of an additional income. Betting is a term that is closely associated with cricket. Whether you are new or an experienced player, you always need to follow a particular set of cricket betting tips. If you are hunting for something big such as IPL, then it is even more necessary to adopt ipl betting tips.

Here’s a quick format of the cricket tournaments that are played in India. If you know the game, you can bet on it easily. Understand these following tournaments, and then set your target high. You never know, you may too come up with your own unique set of cricket betting tips.

Understanding The Important ICC Tournaments

  • ICC World Cup: ICC World Cup is the largest cricket tournament which is eagerly awaited by all the betters out there. It happens once in every 4 years. Any true cricket fan cannot afford to miss out the ICC World CUP. It is the tournament at which every cricket team’s eyes are set on. The whole tournament consists of 14 teams in total which is classified as 10 full-time members and 4 associate countries. It is segregated into two groups of seven. ICC World Cup covers the league stage, quarter-finals, semi-finals and the final. On 21st June, 1975, the first inaugural ICC Cricket World Cup was played between Australia and West Indies. West Indies emerged as the first champion of this massive tournament. After its first defeat, Australia has won five tournaments so far. Get ready to earn huge money in the next World Cup that will be held in 2019.
  • World  Twenty 20: World Twenty20 is the international championship comprising of the shortest tenure in cricket. Generally, world Twenty20 takes place in every two years, and is classified into three major stages, the qualifiers, the Super 10 and the knockouts. The first World Twenty20 was won by India in the year 2007. West  Indies is probably the only nation which has emerged as a winner of this tournament twice in the six tournaments played so far. The last tournament was played in 2016 and the next one is likely to happen in 2020 in Australia.
  • ICC Champions Trophy: This is the second most important tournament after ICC World Cup. In the earlier times, the tournament was popularly known as ICC Knockout Tournament. It was in the year 2002 when the tournament was renamed as ICC Champions Trophy. South Africa was pronounced as the winner of the its inaugural edition that was played in Bangladesh. Keen to know, who is the leading team of this tournament?  Well, it is Australia who has emerged as the winner of this tournament twice.
  • Indian Premier League: IPL is like the cricket fever in India. It is a source of huge entertainment as it lasts for as long as two months. IPL is a domestic sports tournament but the IPL players are a mix bundle of India and abroad. As a better if you are fond of versatility, and then IPL is certainly your cup of tea. Rajasthan Royals were the first winners of this crazy tournament. Mumbai Indians are the recent champions of this cricket season. Before you place your stakes on any IPL team, make sure that you take the right betting IPL tips from the appropriate bookie online.

Understand, adopt certain ipl betting tips and act accordingly before setting your first cricket bet. Wish you  great luck!

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